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Christmas Time Again.

“For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulders” … Isaiah 9:6
“For unto you is born this day … a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord!” … Luke 2:11

We come to the Christmas period this year with virtually no COVID restrictions. We can visit friends and family, shop as we please, freely enjoy the outdoors and eat out if we wish. Let’s not forget why Christmas matters so much. It is a celebration of that God put on human form and came to live on this earth. And that changed the course of the human race forever.

There is a wonderful plan and purpose of God for us in that Jesus Christ was born on Christmas day. One small step for God, one gigantic leap for mankind! This is the day that God Himself appeared on the earth dressed as a man. Jesus was not born to just grow up and die for our sins and to prove that He was God. Jesus was born onto the earth to be tried, tested and proved as a man. Do you fully understand this? He came to do for us, all that which we had no hope of doing for ourselves. Under the Old Testament Law, we were all judged dead in trespasses and sins!

Picture that miraculous event once again today that took place in Bethlehem 2000 years ago! See not just the Saviour here, but see also the new life that the Holy Spirit of God was forming in the soul of this God-Man Jesus Christ, who is the Last Adam. (Lord Jesus is the Last Adam because He fulfilled every righteous requirement of God perfectly. There is no need for another Adam.) This life is to be for us our new spiritual life. All of mankind has the availability of a new life in Jesus because He died for the whole world to release His life to the whole world, not just for the select few. Now that includes both you and me together with the whole of humanity. Therefore, it was necessary also for Jesus to die, not just to pay the price of all our sins and deliver us, but also to release onto the earth this new life that was formed in His own fleshly body. We were formed in the resurrection body of this same Jesus that today stands on earth as the body of Christ.

Oh! How I wish we could all see this more clearly! This baby Jesus grew up into the full stature of a man and developed a life within Himself that He shed at the cross for us, to be our new life the instant we are born again. (Romans 8:9 “If any man does not have the Spirit of Christ then he is none of His.”)

Today, if you are born again with this life of Christ in you, then you love this man from Galilee who was born in that manger at Bethlehem on Christmas day! We are not debating the calendar issue here; we are just saying that the day Jesus was born (whenever it was) is our Christmas day, celebrated on December 25th. This is the day that we choose to celebrate with such joy and thanksgiving! But please, not just for His birth, but for all that He is to us as the life of the body and for all that He has accomplished for us through His Birth, Death, Resurrection and Glorification.

We Love You Lord Jesus. Happy Birthday!

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